Schools & Districts
Welcome to the Apex Regional Program. We are here to serve the needs of students who present a variety of challenges for parents, teachers, and child care providers at home, school, or day care. Please contact us via email ( or by phone (712-527-3034 x4418) with any questions or download the program brochure for additional information.
Referral Process & Forms
You can download the forms below. Then, either fill in the form electronically or print the form and fax or scan and send via email the completed form. Please contact us if you have any difficulty downloading and sending us the forms.
Referral Forms WORD or pdf
Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) Age 4-10, Age 11-17
There are multiple benefits to the Apex program. First and foremost are the academic opportunities afforded to the children we serve, as well as mental and behavioral health benefits. In addition:
- Students spend less time in transit
- Academic curriculum is aligned with Iowa CORE
- Parents have more convenient access to their children's teachers, increasing opportunity for
- Parent involvement in child's program
- Continuity between home and school environments
- Transition plans are more likely to be successful
- Increased communication about transition design and implementation
- Increased support with effective transition strategies
- Reduced cost to district and community
Frequently Asked Questions
- What school calendar do you follow?
We follow the GCSD calendar, including early outs and holidays. This is available on our web site under the School Calendar tab.
- Who provides transportation?
The referring district is responsible for transportation.
- What curriculum to you use?
The Iowa Core curriculum will be followed.
- How will we receive communication regarding progress? How frequently?
We communicate with referring school districts on a regular basis via phone and email. In addition, we collect data on a daily basis and utilize this in identifying progress and areas in need of improvement. All data and reports will be shared with the referring district. We will work as a team in the developing IEP’s for students.
- How do you transition students to increase the likelihood of success?
The transition process is vital in the successful reintegration of students to their home district. At Apex we work closely with the referring district to identify treatment goals upon admission, and to set specific goals to guide the determination of transition readiness. Once the team decides transition is appropriate, Apex will work with the district teacher(s), training them in the successful interventions utilized, and helping to develop similar interventions that can be reasonably incorporated within their own classroom. The transition process is gradual, and depending upon the individual needs of the student, could last a week or several weeks. Apex staff will be available to assist in the transition by accompanying the student during the transition process if deemed necessary.
- Reasons for expulsion?
To date there have been no expulsions from Apex. Our goal is to work successfully with every student who comes to our program. Staff are highly trained and experienced in dealing with the special needs of our students. Expulsion consideration would be determined on a case by case basis, and in collaboration with the referring district.
- If one on one is required initially, can this be changed over time based on progress? Will the cost then be reduced if one on one is no longer needed?
Yes. Student progress is monitored on a daily basis. If it is determined that one on one services are no longer required, the tuition rate will be adjusted accordingly.
- Who provides academic supplies? (Apex or home district)?
Apex will provide curriculum material for the students.
Email us any questions that you have!
Ray Burke -
Kelly Beecham -